Thursday, May 14, 2020

Brutus from Julius Caesars Leadership Qualities - 761 Words

In the play Julius Caesar, several people compete to be the leader of Rome. Cassius and other conspirators are jealous of Caesar, and they want to kill him for revenge. Brutus doesn’t want to be part of the conspiracy, but is tricked into becoming a head member, due to his strong leadership qualities of honor, trustworthiness, and patriotism. Brutus loves the republic, but is tricked into believing Caesar would hurt the republic. Brutus would be an effective leader because he exhibits honor, trustworthiness, and patriotism. Brutus believes nothing should be done without honor, which he illustrates by killing Caesar publicly. Some would say killing for political reasons, is more honorable than killing someone for pure revenge. He†¦show more content†¦Even after the assassination plan, Brutus still makes decisions that sway judgment, â€Å"I will [go] myself [to] the pulpit first† is an example of his planning ahead to influence others (3.1.261). Brutus’s inspiration of trust is a key strategy for a leader. Brutus’s patriotism enables him to be a strong leader because his desire for a strong republic is based on his devotion to the Roman citizens and not selfishness, like Caesar was. His debate ofShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar Language Analysis745 Words   |  3 Pagespublic speaking, etc, use language as a means to have some sort of leadership position, whether it’d be for good or bad reasons, and whether they’re speaking and using language in a good or bad way. The play Julius Caesar starts off with a Roman gathering of the citizens to celebrate the return from the war. On the way, Caesar is stopped by a mysterious man who warns him of â€Å"the ides of March† or the middle of March. 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